Sunday, October 31, 2010

Privacy and Confidentiality

With the use of new media what do we sacrifice? We sacrifice privacy and confidentiality not only to the public, but your boss, and even your friends. With sites like facebook, there is information we submit that is stored. Hackers can possibly be studying your habits and steal your facebook account. Even application companies on facebook are taking advantage of your information. Recently Zynga and other companies sold off facebook information from subscribers outside sources. Another incident recently is where a school teacher blogged about being a prostitute before getting a job as a teacher and being suspended by the school she was working at. There has been an increase of cyber bullying and it leads to many issues at home.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. People give out so much information without knowledge of the importance of that information. I recently read a story about people that gave their name, address, email, phone number, and even social security number for a $100 gift certificate. It was a study that was being done so their information was secure but it just shows the information people will give up for discounts and rewards.
