Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

There are a couple ways the virtual world can be used. In the article I read "Going t the virtual office in Second Life" it was used for virtual conferences to connect international members, working in group projects, and even file sharing. I would even guess people create their alter egos and create a life they wished they had inside the virtual worlds.

Pros - I think that some pros to virtual worlds is convenience. It saves money for companies that need to talk to people across country and even overseas. The file sharing was a great pro when involved in a project. On a personal level, some might feel more comfortable being able to talk in virtual worlds better than face to face.

Cons- I think that the alter egos might be a little awkward to see sometimes, especially if someone knows you. The fact that it is hosted online means possible hacking opportunities as well as impersonations. Files could be stolen and important company project info might be at risk.

The fact that you can create an avatar that doesn't look like you is creative in itself. But it also stated in the article that even though some companies have used it, they started to create their own versions. The use of virtual world promotes creativity towards technological innovations.

The future of virtual worlds is a coin toss. It can lead to both good and bad things. It will probably end up being more and more realistic as time goes on.

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